Monday, October 29, 2012


Two faces I drew this morning. Still got a lot to learn, but I see and feel progess :)

Saturday, October 20, 2012

A frog in one's throat

I totally forgot to post this one yesterday - the text reads: "To have a frog in one's throat" - that must be so annoying!

Icecream truck

I can't quite remember when I did this, but it's been a while.

The text reads: "When the engine gets hot... will the icecream truck melt?" A lot more of these stupid puns will be drawn.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

An elderly gentleman

Just the other day I was drawing in the train on the way home from work. This nice, elderly gentleman was the result.

Please tell me what you like and where you think I can improve.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Draw 100 - Noses

I really want to be a better artist! At some point I came across a guy online who wrote, that if you want be better at drawing something - draw it a hundred times. To me that seemed like a fun and challenging way to become better, so I started right away. I don't set any deadline, so some days I might do 30 drawings other days none.
The first subject I chose was noses - the ones you'll see here. I'm far from satisfied with them all, but that's not the point. I get better and get a better understanding of the look I want. Some of the noses are there, even though I think they're horrible! They've still been a great part of the learning process.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The first post...


This blog is gonna be my playground. A place where I can post my crazy drawings, show my progress and - more importantly - hopefully get some usefull feedback.

The name of the blog is "Mig og min blyant" which is danish for "Me and my pencil" - basically this is just a place where me and my pencil can play around.

I'm looking forward to play around, so please come and join!

Best regards